あなたの全人生がたった1つの骨董品の棚にまで切り詰められるとしたら、どんな思い出を安置するだろうか? 人生とは複雑なものかもしれない。だが最後には、マークの言葉に耳を傾ければ、人生とは単純なものなのだ。(鬼澤忍訳『シンプリシティの法則』asin:4492556079 100頁)
Every day some of the smartest young people in the world come to see me in my office at MIT. Although officially I am their teacher, I find that I am often their student. For instance, I remember a student named Marc who volunteered in shelters for poor people at the end of their lives. Even though he came from a well-heeled family and could easily tuen his back on the impoverished, Marc said he always felt compelled to help others in need. He told me how while working at the shelters, he noticed that each patient had a single shelf by their bed that held the total sum of their worldly belongings. Seeing this situation made him silently ask, "What are the few precious things that you can afford to keep at the end of your life when you already have so little?" A ring, a photograph, or another small memento was what he consistently found. Marc poignantly surmised that memories are all that matter in the end.
When your entire life is reduced to a single shelf of curios, what memories might you enshrine? Life may be complex, but in the end, life is simple if you listen to Marc.(John Maeda,The Laws of Simplicity, asin:0262134721 p.100)