自分が作った会社名を本当はあのYoda(Star Warsに登場するJediのMasterの名前)にしたかったが、こちらに先を越されて地団駄踏んだKalem Fletcher氏は、いろいろと考えた末に結局ヒンズー教のグル(導師)を指すswamiをもじって「Swamii.com」とした。そのフレッチャーさんが「全知全能」の検索サイトSwamiiを作ったと知って興味がわいた。
Swamiiの「全知全能」の実態と使い方は上の記事を見てみて。これはなかなか「使える」と私は思ったので、早速、"cold search"を検索してみたところ、2件ヒットした。蛇足ながら、Swamiiのイメージ・キャラクターはスケボーに乗った「全知全能の」宇宙人のように見える。
- Swamii http://www.swamii.com/home/
Collin Gifford Brookさんのこの記事。
- November 27, 2006「Folks on Folksonomy」http://collinvsblog.net/archives/2006/11/folks_on_folksonomy.html
- Elaine Petersonさんの「Beneath the Metadata---Some Philosophical Problems with Folksonomy」http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november06/peterson/11peterson.html、
- David Weinbergerさんの「Beneath the Metadata - a reply」http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/mtarchive/beneath_the_metadata_a_reply.html
- Thomas Vander Walさんの「Beneath the Metadata - replies」http://www.personalinfocloud.com/2006/11/beneath_the_met.html
そしてもうひとつはブルックさんの記事を受ける形ですぐ翌日に書かれたDr. Fabulous(「架空博士」?)のこの記事。
- November 28, 2006「Cold Searches and Research Methodologies」http://ydog.net/?p=245
Since I’m interested in the notion of research, I enjoyed Collin’s break down today of “the cold search” and “the lateral search.” I’ve also been thinking along these lines, but I like his terminology. A recent discussion on a textbook sponsored email listserv began with questions regarding research and Google, and the most typical response - from both the public and from our own field - often revolves around what Collin calls “the cold search”: “where you have nothing, and want something, and use the tools of taxonomy to locate it.” Typically, this translates as: You want to write about X, so you Google (or go to the library) and look up X. You find stuff about X and then you report back. The relationships which surround, inform, or organize experiences relevant or generated by X (or which generate X) are not considered. To do that kind of consideration, one would have to do a “lateral search”; that is, one would have to understand how various relationships (textual, personal, conceptual, physical) organize a given experience or idea. One wouldn’t do only a search for X, but would also investigate various relationships that do not go by the name of X (but can be understood as related in given experiences).
特に、「コールド・サーチ(Cold Search)/ラテラル・サーチ(Lateral Search)」の違いが"Search/Investigate"の違いを下敷きにして分かりやすく説明されているので、その部分を思い切り意訳します。