
 Presa di coscienza sulla natura (Awareness of Nature) 2000

 Scanno, 1959

本書(The Black is Waiting for the White)にはマリオ・ジャコメッリの息子シモーヌ・ジャコメッリによる「マリオ・ジャコメッリ:1925年生まれの男子と1968年生まれの息子の思い出」と題した伝記的エッセイが収められている。最初から驚いた。

Mario Giacomelli, dies at age 1. He was Alfredo and Liberta Giacomelli's firstborn son.

Birth of their second son, also named Mario Giacomelli. (p.8)



On 18 January Giacomelli undergoes an emergency operation. The prognosis is not good. As soon as he is out of intensive care, he asks me to bring my own camera with me the following day. "Not yours?" I reply. "No".
When I rushed back the next morning, he got out of bed, took my camera, focused it, and gave it back to me, saying, "Don't touch anything. Not even the lens. Just move closer or further away if you need to". My dad leaned against the wall near the window and posed for the picture. "Shoot". It was his self-portrait, taken without holding the camera.

Back at home, he completes Ritorno (Return) and tells his last story: Questo ricordo lo vorrei racontare (I would like to recount this memory).

At around 3 am on 25 November he dies, sorrounded by family and friends, in the very year – 2000 – that he never wanted to hear spoken of. (pp.38–39)

